Curbside Composting Guide
MSS Curbside Composting Guide We’ve put together this composting guide to help you understand the importance of composting, what you should and shouldn’t put in
MSS Curbside Composting Guide We’ve put together this composting guide to help you understand the importance of composting, what you should and shouldn’t put in
Marin Sanitary Service’s “Top 10 Recycling Mistakes” You can help keep our recycling streams clean and organized when you avoid making these recycling errors. Are
The alternative management standard (AMS), which allows waste haulers to accept treated wood waste (TWW) from residential and commercial customers, expires on December 31, 2020.
In 2021, Re-Solve to Re-Home You sort and recycle, compost your food scraps and avoid plastic bags. That’s great! Moving to zero waste also
How One Marin Apartment Complex Succeeds with Composting Compliance California state law AB 1826 requires all businesses and multifamily residences of 5 or more units producing
MSS Winter Newsletter 2020 Our winter newsletter should have arrived, check your mailbox! In case you missed it, we’ve included it below or you can
Our Littlest Fan We are delighted to introduce you to our littlest fan: Mason, aged 2.5, a resident of Rafael Highlands. Mason dressed up as
Zero Waste Art Projects This week we are excited to share some creative ideas that can help you bringconcepts of zero waste and reuse
WHERE SHOULD YOU PUT THE NEW CLOVER MILK CARTONS? Although the Clover milk cartons say “rinse and recycle”, with all products it is important to
Zero Waste Yard Work During Stay-at-Home For those of us lucky enough to have a yard, gardening can be a great way to get fresh