Spring Cleaning? Collect, Sort and Store
Spring Cleaning? Collect, Sort and Store After staying at home for weeks, you may be more aware of clutter and be moved to remove! Are
Spring Cleaning? Collect, Sort and Store After staying at home for weeks, you may be more aware of clutter and be moved to remove! Are
© Anaken2012 – Dreamstime.com Changing behaviors around battery recycling Did you know that in May a fire broke out at the Marin Recycling Center that
What to Do with Extra Bags and Boxes Are you ordering in more during Stay-at-Home? As we get more deliveries and can’t use our reusable
Making the Most of Our Food During Stay-at-Home During this difficult time, moving toward zero waste may not be at the top of our to-do
Tips for Reducing Waste During the Pandemic Part 2 Overall Think about how to reduce, reuse, and repair during this time. We are not going
EPA Recycling and PPE Disposal Reminders During COVID-19 Recycled materials are key for everything from making new products to boxes to ship products and other
Tips for Reducing Waste During the Pandemic Overall Think about how to reduce, reuse, and repair during this time. We are not going to
Marin IJ: Marin waste haulers scale back some services during pandemic Marin County’s waste collectors and processors, while maintaining most of their normal
WELCOME TO EARTH WEEK 2020! This Wednesday, April 22nd is the 50th anniversary of the very first Earth Day celebration. In honor of the occasion,
The Spring 2020 Marin Sanitary Service newsletter is out and should be arriving in your mailbox. Please be sure to read it for important information