This Wednesday, April 22nd is the 50th anniversary of the very first Earth Day celebration.
In honor of the occasion, we have compiled resources here and will be posting more on our Instagram and Facebook pages throughout the week. We want to help you scale up your individual impact, as well as learn more about broader systematic issues and changes.
Read on for more info!
Virtual Recycling Facility Tour
We have launched a virtual tour of our facility! This tour is self-guided, and begins with an online lesson to give you all of the needed background information. Take our online tour via our Tour Page here!
We will also host a guided 25-minute version of the tour in the morning on Wednesday, April 22nd (Earth Day!), hosted by our Schools & Community Recycling Coordinator, Casey Fritz. Check our our Instagram and Facebook pages for details on Monday 4/20!
Download our Sorting App!
Where Does It Go, Joe?, our sorting tool that helps you determine how to properly dispose of your waste, is now available in both the App Store and the Google Play Store! Use the following links to download our app, or search for “Marin Sanitary” in the App or Google Play Stores!
For Apple Devices: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1505393001
Remote Learning Resources for Home
Visit the Schools page of our website here to download our remote learning resources focused on learning about recycling and composting! These resources include games, activities, songs, and suggested reading for students of all ages that can easily be used in a remote learning setting.
Resources for Multifamily/Apartment Buildings
We have compiled helpful tips on sorting and waste management specifically geared towards residents of apartment buildings or multifamily dwellings. They can be found in the Multifamily section of our Resources page here.
Story of Plastic Documentary Screening
Celebrate Earth Day while you shelter at home! Tune in to watch The Story of Plastic on the Discovery Channel, screening on Wednesday April 22nd at 2pm PST.
Watch the trailer below.