Marin Sanitary Service
Commercial Contractor Services

Marin Sanitary Service offers specialized waste management solutions for commercial contractors in Marin County. Our services include debris box rentals, construction waste disposal, and tailored solutions to efficiently handle job site waste and support sustainable building practices.

Diversion Reporting

Do you have a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Project or need to show proof of recycling for CalGreen or local C&D ordinances?

MSS is here to help!

Single-Source or Regular Facility Diversion Rates

If you do not need a detailed analysis of your materials, or if you have a single source of material such as pure concrete or wood framing, we can provide you with a letter that shows the material(s) recycled, weights, and the quarterly facility diversion rate.

Detailed Waste Audits

For a fee, we can provide detailed wastes audits of the materials collected depending on the size and complexity of materials. Contact a recycling coordinator for more information.

Self Hauling?

If you are planning to self-haul materials, visit the Marin Resource Recovery Center website. This is where you will also find the Quarterly Certified Diversion Report.


For contractors that need to reach higher diversion rates, it is recommended that materials be source separated. Renting a debris box from MSS is the easiest way to track materials by weigh and type for diversion reporting. Just inform customer service when you order the box what material will be placed in the box and that you need a weight tickets with the material type. All “Mixed Debris” boxes will receive the facility diversion rate.


As of January 2021, waste haulers in the County of Marin cannot accept treated wood waste at their facilities, in their debris boxes, or in the garbage, recycling, or composting bins as treated wood is now considered hazardous waste.